粤华匙胚厂始创于1989年,是广州市煊华五金制品有限公司的下属企业,专业生产各类钥匙胚,产品琳琅满目,经过二十年多年的积淀与发展,如今粤华已成为行业的翘楚,也成为众多锁厂和锁匠的首要选择。粤华匙胚尤其以高品质著称,极高的性价比深受外商的青睐,客户遍布欧美、东南亚、中东等国家!一流的生产设备和技术精湛的人员,在占地20000㎡米的花园式厂房中有条不紊地忙碌着,在学习型的团队中,采用现代企业的管理制度,不仅使生产的速度及产品的质量都保持在高水平上,成本也得到了有效的控制,有效地保障了我们对所有客户“粤华品牌 您可信赖”的郑重承诺!
Yuehua Keyblank Company is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of key blanks, which is a subsidiary company of Guangzhou Xuanhua Hardware Products Co., Ltd. , established in 1989.
After more than two decades’ development, Yuehua Keyblank Company has become the industry leader and Yuehua key blanks have become the first choice of lock factories and lock smiths. Its key blanks gain good reputation by their high quality and cost performance, which is favored by customers all the world, like Europe, America, Southeast Asia and Middle East!
The garden-style factory occupies over 20,000 square meters and it is working orderly by exercising modern enterprise management system with the first-class equipments, skilled technicians and learning group which is not only to maintain the producing speed and product quality at a high level, but also to control the cost effectively and protect our solemn promise to all customers “YUEHUA BRAND, MAKE YOU TRUST”!
Yuehua Keyblank Company is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of key blanks, which is a subsidiary company of Guangzhou Xuanhua Hardware Products Co., Ltd. , established in 1989.
After more than two decades’ development, Yuehua Keyblank Company has become the industry leader and Yuehua key blanks have become the first choice of lock factories and lock smiths. Its key blanks gain good reputation by their high quality and cost performance, which is favored by customers all the world, like Europe, America, Southeast Asia and Middle East!
The garden-style factory occupies over 20,000 square meters and it is working orderly by exercising modern enterprise management system with the first-class equipments, skilled technicians and learning group which is not only to maintain the producing speed and product quality at a high level, but also to control the cost effectively and protect our solemn promise to all customers “YUEHUA BRAND, MAKE YOU TRUST”!
- 主要经营产品:
- 游戏机代币 ; 代币 ; 娱乐币 ; 纪念币 ; 纪念章 ; 钥匙 ; 钥匙胚 ; 钥匙胚子 ; 钥匙坯 ; 钥匙坯子
- 经营范围:
- 有色金属合金制造;建筑、家具用金属配件制造;其他有色金属压延加工;金属家具制造;金属工艺品制造;金属制品批发;(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
- 营业执照号码:
- 440110000002863
- 法人代表:
- 麦转芬
- 经营模式:
- 无
- 成立时间:
- 2004-09-21
- 职员人数:
- 100人
- 注册资本:
- 人民币180万 (万元)